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19 Apr

Way Up from Down – Boosting your Mood Naturally with Patrick Holford

Date: 19 April 2023
Time: 6:00pm

Attend virtually: Zoom

Webinar link will be sent prior to the event date


Reclaim your feel-good factor and discover how to improve your mood naturally. As a leading advocate of nutrition for mental health, Patrick will help show you the way when it comes to connecting food and mood.

How to nourish your brain

In this live webinar, Patrick will explain the 12  key factors and triggers that impact low mood and depression and how these might apply to you. What’s more, Patrick explain the research and show you case studies on how nutrition can impact your mental health. He will also show you what foods might bring you down and what foods will help to lift you up.

Hooked on anti-depressants?

In the UK there are 8 million people on anti-depressants, roughly half of which will experience withdrawal symptoms when then try to come off them. Patrick will explain why and what you can do to safely withdraw from anti-depressants when they are no longer necessary or working.

What to expect:

  • Insights into the reasons behind depression and low moods
  • A mood boosting diet and supplement plan that is easy to follow
  • Inspiring case studies
  • Simple things you can do today to feel better tomorrow

This webinar is for anybody interested in improving moods with nutrition and is open to both the general public and health practitioners.

Watch the Recording:

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About Patrick Holford BSc, DipION, FBANT, NTCRP

Patrick Holford.

Patrick Holford, is a leading spokesman on nutrition and mental health and founder of both the Food for the Brain Foundation, and the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. Originally trained in psychology, Patrick was involved in ground-breaking research showing that multivitamins can increase children’s IQ scores – the subject of a Horizon television documentary in the 1980s. He was one of the first promoters of the importance of zinc, essential fats, low-GL diets and homocysteine-lowering B vitamins and their importance in mental health and Alzheimer’s prevention, working closely with David Smith, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford. He is currently direction the Alzheimer’s is Preventable campaign for Food for the Brain.

He is the author of 46 books, translated into over 30 languages, including The Optimum Nutrition Bible, Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Optimum, Food is Better Medicine than Drugs, the Ten Secrets of Healthy Ageing and The Hybrid Diet (co-authored with Jerome Burne). He is a retired visiting professor at the University of Teeside and is in the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame and on the Editorial Board for the Orthomolecular News Service. Patrick brings 40 years of research and experience in the field of nutrition.