because prevention is better than cure.

because prevention is better than cure.

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What our experts do themselves to prevent dementia

This recent article is an example of the resources we share each week with our brain upgrade e-newsletters and would love to share them with you.

To keep you up-to-date with our research and resources please join the mailing list below to get weekly e-news updates so that you keep upgrading your brain.

Food for the Brain Foundation is a not-for-profit registered research and educational charity. We would also like to use your anonymised questionnaire answers to help our ongoing research, headed by Dr Tommy Wood, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Washington, to work what diet and lifestyle habits protect against cognitive decline, however you must give your permission for us to do so in the form below.

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We will update you on breakthrough research, educational events and information to help you upgrade your brain

    Only applicable if you completed the 3-minute Alzheimer’s Prevention Check.

Should you choose to subscribe please know that you can easily unsubscribe at the bottom of each e-newsletter.