by Patrick Holford
This is the headline from the New York Times exposing a proposal from an ‘Alzheimer’s Working Group’ that we should all have an amyloid blood test to then be prescribed anti-amyloid drugs. This is a similar strategy to statins which are given to anyone with ‘high cholesterol’ despite no evidence of heart disease and limited benefit from taking the statins, except in the drug companies own trials. Their representatives also reduced the ‘acceptable’ blood test level in a process known as ‘diagnostic creep’.
The working group, many of whose members, say the NYT, are ‘employed by companies developing drugs and diagnostics’ is chaired by Dr Clifford R. Jack Jr., an Alzheimer’s researcher at the Mayo Clinic. “Someone who has biomarker evidence of amyloid in the brain has the disease, whether they’re symptomatic or not,” said Dr Jack. “The pathology exists for years before symptom onset,” he added. “That’s the science. It’s irrefutable.”
Let’s back up here a minute.
Amyloid has never been proven to be a cause of Alzheimer’s.
In fact, the repeated failure of anti-amyloid drugs that do successfully lower amyloid to deliver any meaningful clinical effect has proven, time and time again, that raised amyloid is not the cause of Alzheimer’s. It is, I believe, an effect, an artefact. Not all who develop Alzheimer’s have raised amyloid but most do. But the fact that it is present doesn’t mean removing it with anti-amyloid drugs will ‘cure’ the disease. The real pathology of Alzheimer’s is both a reduction in cognitive function and brain shrinkage.
The last drug trial reported that those on the drugs had 20% more brain shrinkage than those on the placebo. In other words the pathology got worse, not better. We reported this because it was in the published research paper but no newspaper coverage mentioned it. (Perhaps journalists only read the press release, not the study itself). This was finally reported in the Telegraph two weeks ago: ‘‘Breakthrough’ Alzheimer’s drugs can shrink the brain, scientists warn’.
According to Dutch researchers, 10 percent of cognitively normal 50 year-olds would test amyloid positive, as would almost 16 percent of 60-year-olds and 23 percent of 70-year-olds. Most of those individuals would never develop dementia. But, if this scenario were to roll out, they would be prescribed the anti-amyloid drug treatment at an estimated £40,000 a year. Given that there were seven deaths of participants in the last two anti-amyloid drug trials, reported by ourselves and the Telegraph, and over a third of patients got potentially fatal brain bleeding or swelling, that’s a hell of a downside for something that isn’t likely to deliver any benefit.
“Anti-amyloid trials raise scientific and ethical questions.” Writes Professor David Smith in the British Medical Journal (1). “Ackley and colleagues found that lowering brain β-amyloid levels in Alzheimer’s disease had no significant effect on cognition in 14 clinical trials on a total of 4,596 patients. Is it justifiable to ask patients to undergo yet more trials of anti-amyloid treatments? Moreover, we should all question the morality of the drug companies that declined to give these researchers access to data for 20 of the 34 trials they wanted to study.”.
“These findings” he says “should direct our attention to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by slowing down the disease process, for which there are many possible approaches.”
Professor David Smith is one of the many scientific advisors instrumental in shaping our prevention policy which goes like this:
There are no downsides, only benefits, with this kind of prevention approach.
There is only one problem – prevention is not profitable.
Thank you for reading!
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