Getting your Body and Mind Moving – Webinar with Dr Tommy Wood
2 February 2023

Put this exciting webinar with Dr Tommy Wood in your diary for a very positive kick in the New Year! Professor Tommy Wood has worked out how to stimulate your brain, through your body. We will find out why lack of exercise, lack of sleep and high stress, are having far-reaching effects which, at their worst, builds up your future risk for dementia.
As Assistant Professor of Paediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington in Seattle, Dr Tommy Wood has a lot to say that’s relevant to adults and children. You’ll be surprised, and motivated, by what he has to say, and the simplest steps you can take in 2023 that are going to make a big difference to both your mind and body. Tommy will unravel things you never knew about your brain.
Your Recording to Watch at Your Leisure
Date and time: Thursday 2nd February at 6pm GMT
Where: Zoom
About Dr Tommy Wood PhD, Assistant Professor of Paediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington in Seattle
Tommy is co-founder of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine and associate editor for the journal Lifestyle Medicine and our Ambassador for active lifestyle on the Scientific Advisory Board of Food for the Brain.
What he’s found is that it not only helps the children, but can also slow the cognitive decline in the elderly that comes with Alzheimer’s.
“Exercise is important because it makes the brain do things that keep it healthy, such as growth and repair and maintaining temperature and weight,” he says. “When they aren’t stimulated, the health of brain tissues deteriorates with a knock-on effect on memory and thinking.”
And it’s not just physical exercise that does this, we also benefit from the mental exercise involved in likes of solving puzzles or learning a new language. ‘For many people the worst thing they can do for their brain is to retire, says Wood. ‘They lose much of the stimulation that kept it healthy.”
Sleep as a brain protector also fits in here. It’s vital for recovering from physical exercise and to store and organise what you have learnt in the day.
‘But sleep and exercise isn’t enough on their own,’ Wood continues. ‘All that repair and maintenance needs a good supply of nutrients. We are still working out what the best diets to support the brain are.’
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