because prevention is better than cure.

because prevention is better than cure.

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Vitamin D (25(OH)D3)



Vitamin D is made in the skin and provided in supplements and foods such as oily fish and eggs. Both are converted in the liver to form 25(OH)D3 which is the form of vitamin D in the blood, measured by this test. Your levels of 25(OH)D3 levels shows your body’s production plus your intake.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked with many chronic diseases, including autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer as well as cognitive decline. Many diseases are more prevalent in the Northern hemisphere due to lack of direct sunlight.

Optimal levels of 25(OH)D3 are certainly above 32ng/mL (80 nmol/l) and ideally over 40ng/ml (100nmol/l)

Watch the test kit video here.

This test is part of our Citizen Science research. Your results from this test will be anonymised and added to the COGNITION Biobank and contribute to our independent research.

For more information read the FAQs here.

How the Test Works


What’s in the kit?

Enrollment with the purchase of a Vitamin D blood spot test kit includes:

  • 2-3 lancets
  • Blood spot card(s) for the tests ordered
  • 1 envelope for returning your blood spot card
  • 1 gauze pad, 1 band aid, and 1 alcohol swab

When you order your kit, you will also be participating as a citizen scientist in the world’s most comprehensive Alzheimer’s prevention project. You will be invited to retest your Cognitive Function every six months, and encouraged to reduce your Dementia Risk Index by joining COGNITION, the ‘brain upgrade’ program. This takes you through a six month cycle to motivate simple diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your Dementia Risk Index.

You may choose to retest every 3 months, 6 months or year and, can, at anytime, change your order. For example, if you bring one test into the ‘green’ on the DRIfT section of your DASHBOARD you may only wish to retest other important biochemical markers. If you have selected a retest option we’ll remind you.

Included in the Vitamin D test kit is:

  • 2 lancets
  • 1 Vitamin D blood spot card
  • 1 envelope for returning the card
  • 1 gauze pad, 1 band aid, and 1 alcohol swab

Your data

Your data from this test will be fully anonymised and securely stored in our research database, meeting HIPAA and GDPR standards.  By participating, you’re joining a global effort to advance independent research on brain health. Thank you for contributing to this important work.

Each test ordered is also a donation to our charitable research and education – thank you!