19 October 2023
A deep dive into an increasingly common issue – with clear steps to resolution – led by experienced nutritional therapist and co-author of The Stress Cure, Susannah Lawson.
Anxiety can be exhausting, overwhelming and life-depleting. Yet it impacts so many of us, with little resolution offered by conventional medical routes.
In this webinar, Susannah Lawson will outline the many potential underlying causes, helping you to identify your own particular pattern. She’ll then guide you through clear steps to put together a bespoke plan to help you feel calmer, happier and more energised.
Specifically, you will learn how to:
- Understand and identify triggers for your anxiety
- Learn how what you eat – and drink – can have a huge impact on how you feel
- Understand why hormone balance is key – and how to achieve this
- Explore your detox ability – and how to correct issues
- Understand why histamine levels and lactic acid are important
- Get clear on what supplements will help – and what to avoid
- Use effective interventions to avert panic attacks
- Learn a simple yet powerful HeartMath technique to neutralise anxiety in seconds
- Identify depleting and renewing emotions – and how to shift your emotional state
- Put in place techniques to support good sleep
- Create a plan to resolve your anxiety and feel better in days
There will also be time to deal with specific queries and answer your questions, so you finish the webinar with the information you need to successfully overcome anxiety for you – or your loved ones.
Date: Thursday 19th October
Time: 6 pm – 7.30 pm
Cost: £15 or £10 for FRIENDS
Location: Via Zoom and recording will be sent out within 48 hours
About Susannah Lawson
Susannah Lawson is a nutritional therapist, HeartMath practitioner, teacher and co-author of The Stress Cure. She has been supporting clients to achieve better health since 2003, after qualifying with distinction from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition. She specialises in stress resilience, women’s health and helping clients achieve greater wellbeing.
As well as working with clients one-to-one, Susannah loves to share her knowledge and inspire wider audiences through teaching, running seminars and workshops. She has written four books with Patrick Holford, including The Stress Cure, Optimum Nutrition Made Easy and Optimum Nutrition Before, During and After Pregnancy.
About HeartMath
For more than 30 years, the HeartMath Institute has been researching the heart-brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotions, intuition and health. Through a variety of simple techniques, HeartMath® helps you tap into the power and intelligence of your heart – your heart’s intuition – which awakens you to the best version of yourself.
HeartMath UK is offering Food for the Brain contacts a 10% discount on any products or training you may choose to purchase, and kindly donating the equivalent to the Food for the Brain Foundation. This helps to support our charitable work, including funding new research and building new technologies to help improve diet and lifestyle factors that impact dementia.
Proceeds generated from ticket sales go towards supporting the foundation’s charitable work.