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- Investment in the COGNITION Biobank
- 「Prescribing COGNITION」に関心のある日本人プラクティショナー登録フォーム
- Cognitive decline and neurological disorders
- Development and behaviour
- Psychotic disorders
- 8 Ways to Upgrade Your Brain
- About our unique database
- About this site
- Action plan for managing schizophrenia
- Active Mind
- AIP Example COMMS Schedule
- AIP Manifesto references
- AIP Masterclass Friend Registration
- AIP Masterclass Register
- AIP Masterclass Registration
- Alzheimer's Is Preventable
- Alzheimer's Is Preventable
- Alzheimer's is Preventable: A Manifesto for Change
- Alzheimer's Prevention - Campaign Content
- Amyloid isn’t Alzheimer’s - How NOT to Study a Disease
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Anxiety, Stress and Sleep
- Apc Result
- APD Downloadable Assets
- Autism
- B vitamins and homocysteine
- B12
- B5
- B6
- Balanced blood sugar
- Become a Friend of Food for the Brain
- Become a Friend of Food for the Brain
- Become a partner to prevent Alzheimer's
- Binge Eating
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- Brain Bio Centre Practitioners
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- Children's mental health and neurodivergence
- Choose Your Domain to Transform with COGNITION
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- COGNITION Biobank Prospectus
- COGNITION Development Fund
- COGNITION International Investment Opportunity
- Cognitive Function Test Film
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- Dan Kittredge 2 day Workshop 18-20th June
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- Does lowering blood pressure reduce dementia risk?
- Domain 1: Eat a low Glycaemic Load (GL) diet
- Domain 4: Eat and Drink Antioxidants & Polyphenols
- Domain 5 : A Healthy Gut is a Healthy Brain
- Domain 6: Exercise and Keep Physically Active
- Don't forget your vitamins
- Don't lose your mind. Test your cognitive function now.
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- Evidence-based prevention recommendations
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- Food for the Brain FREE Cognitive Function Test
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- glossary
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- Homepage banner
- Homocysteine
- Homocysteine FAQs
- Homocysteine-lowering B vitamins
- Homocysteine: A Comprehensive Overview
- How nutrition directly affects your child
- How to build a healthy brain
- How to Keep Building Brain Cells at Any Age
- How to Lower the Fructose in your Diet
- How you can help
- I've got my husband back from dementia
- Infancy (0-3)
- Insomnia
- IPM References
- Is Fat the Best Brain Fuel?
- Is your gut your second brain?
- Join COGNITION - Annual
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- Keep your Brain Young with Antioxidants
- Key Features
- Lancet Commission Letters
- Laura Lam
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- Life Stages Approach
- MCTs...
- Meet the Citizen Science Research Team
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- Middle Age (30-50)
- Mobile CFT Validation Volunteer Form
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- Myths about Alzheimer’s - from amyloid drugs to genes
- NEW: the Upgrade Your Brain book
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- Nutrients in Brain Health Research
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- Nutritional Considerations for Puberty
- Nutritional Neuroscience
- Nutritional Psychology
- Nutritional Pyschiatry
- Nutritional supplements and disease modification
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
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- Older Adult (50-70)
- Omega-3
- Omega-3 Index FAQs
- Only Dev Test
- Optimum Nutrition for the Mind MASTERCLASS
- Optimum Nutrition for the Mind Workshop
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- Our Mission & Vision
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- Practitioner
- Practitioner: Laura Lam BSc DipBCNH mBANT regCNHC
- Practitioner: Olga Preston DipION, mBANT, CNHCreg, Registered NT
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- Prescribing COGNITION - how to get started
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- Smart Kids & Teens Cognition Interest
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- Space - between the ears - the final frontier
- SPONSA DONNA to help build COGNITION® for Smart Kids & Teens
- Staying active and failing keeps you sharp
- Steps to Access
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- Stress
- Supplements
- Supplements for smart kids
- Supporting Organisations and Sponsors
- Teenager (12-17)
- Test
- Test ARForms Page
- Test Kit Barcode Registration
- Test Kit Barcode Registration Non Generic
- Test Kit Barcode Registration Old
- Test Kit FAQs
- Test Your Cognitive Function Today
- Testing Events
- Tests and books
- Thank you
- The 8 Domains to improve your COGNITION
- The Alzheimer’s Prevention Check goes live on May 1st.
- The COGNITION Biobank
- The drugs don't work.
- The H Factor -Why lowering homocysteine with B vitamins is key
- The P-Tau Delusion
- The role of vitamin D in reducing risk of Alzheimer’s disease
William B. Grant, Ph.D.
- The Science behind our Cognition Tools
- Tickets Checkout
- Two nutrients proven to stop your brain shrinking
- Upgrade your brain - 6 proven ways to dementia-proof your diet and lifestyle
- Upgrade Your Brain book
- UPGRADE YOUR BRAIN book references
- Upgrade Your Brain CookApp
- Upgrade Your Brain Seminar Tour
- Upgrade Your Brain Seminar Tour HD
- Vegetarian and vegan
- Vitamin C and other antioxidants
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin D FAQs
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Volunteer Form: New Mobile CFT Validation Study
- Volunteer Openings
- Weaning and Brain Development
- Web Dev
- What is COGNITION?
- What our experts do themselves to prevent dementia
- WHO says 'vitamin B, PUFA (omega-3) and multivitamins should not be recommended' - here's why this statement is wrong
- Who we are
- Who we are
- Whoops!
- Why Lack of B Vitamins and Omega-3 are Driving the Dementia Epidemic with Emeritus Professor David Smith
- Why Testing Early & Making Changes is the Key to Prevention
- Women, hormones, mind & mood
- Young Adult
- Young Adult (18-30)